16 November 2007

Is your oven ready for Turkey Day?

Every year I am faced with the same complaints around the holidays. They go like this.... "My oven does not work...... please help!" Then I ask, "what is going on with the stove?" The common responses are:

I wanted my stove/oven to be clean before my mother-in-law comes over.

This one is comical because we are not willing for our own family to see us as we are.
My only advice is Do not self clean your oven the day before Thanksgiving, Christmas, or
before any other time you may need to use it.

Self cleaning is harsh on your oven as the temperatures exceed 900 degrees F. This can cause
premature failure of oven components.

I did not want to cook my dinner in a dirty oven.

I try to understand the reasoning, about the in-laws coming over, but I cannot understand
why some people need to clean their oven right before they cook. Does not it seem logical to
clean the oven after you have cooked as it is likely to become messy during the cooking?

If you really want to see your repairman, me, then by all means self clean away. Or you could just invite me over for coffee and cookies. I am not saying that I do not want to work but why make your holidays more stressful than they need to be. Self clean after you cook and I can stop by and help out with the left overs.

Happy Thanksgiving, be thankful.

Psalm 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.


Hindsey said...

That's a good tip, but I go over TO my mother-in-law's for Thanksgiving... so I should be able to self-clean my oven any time.

What's self clean?

What's an oven?


Janice said...

I suspect you might want to get away from all the cookies about now...! How about some good 'ol healthy venison? ... Oh wait, I don't have any of that!